Our Story – Meno Angel

Our Story

Biohacking can change the course of your life

Our journey into nootropics started well over 25 years ago. Our passion, determination and knowledge has enabled us to create revolutionary products which utilise natural ingredients used by ancient civilisations for centuries from the four corners of the world. We seek to help optimise focus, mental performance and memory, deep restorative sleep and greater immunity & stress management.

We are very fortunate to be supported by the wonderful team who share the same vision and values.  Our goal is to help people improve their mental performance, thereby leading to a more fulfilling life.  

The original idea for Genius Coffee was born in the earliest days trying to perfect the perfect nootropic blends from our kitchen.  Try and failing many times over the years to perfect the Genius Coffee blend. It actually became just as much trying to prove that you don’t give in, rather than perfecting the “Genius blend”. Each perceived failure was just a step on the path to the goal. 

At ONNOR we treat people as we like to be treated.
If you are not 100% satisfied with the results, we offer a full 30 day refund.

So join us. 

The Onnor Life Team

The Secret to Achieving

You can’t find it in a book or a podcast… You can’t find it in at the bottom of a bottle… You can’t find it in anybody else… Because the truth is, it’s already inside of you. It’s hardwired into your DNA. You’re stronger - and smarter - than you think.

All because of one thing: Your mind.

Power of Your Own Mind

Whether you’re wrangling kids, gunning for a big promotion at work, or simply striving to achieve your peak potential across the board, it all starts inside your mind.  You have the choice every day to decide the life you want. 

The only thing stopping you are the limits put there by your own imagination. 

Instant Genius Coffee

We created Instant Genius Coffee as a new way for on-the-go people to naturally improve their focus and concentration, memory and mental energy, and overall brain health and processing power.  Now you can get it without the years of trial and error we endured.

Why 2+2+2=10

We believe Instant Genius contains the most potent and effective blend of ingredients on the market. Through the “synergistic” effect of all 100% natural nootropic ingredients compounded, you’ll experience incredible results - without any jitters. (And no, we’re not still making it in our kitchen.)


If you are not 100% satisfied with your product please contact us.


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